Category: News

Driving while poor, Claudia Wilner at TEDxJacksonville

NCLEJ’s Claudia Wilner was a crowd favorite at TEDxJacksonville last month where she discussed unfair driver’s license suspension laws that perpetuate the criminalization of poverty. Watch her TED Talk here.

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NCLEJ Sues ICE, DHS, and Vermont DMV, Alleging Targeting of Immigrant Leaders in Retaliation for Activism

Today, NCLEJ filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of Migrant Justice, a Vermont-based grassroots organization, and its members, alleging U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)―with the assistance of the…

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NCLEJ Wins Court Order Requiring Tennessee to Stop Suspending Licenses of People too Poor to Pay Traffic Tickets

On Tuesday, October 16th, nearly 300,000 people who had their driver’s licenses suspended because they could not afford to pay traffic debt – the fines, fees, and taxes that arise from traffic violations – won a significant victory…

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Victory for Home Health Aides in New York State

On September 26th, 2018, NCLEJ and co-counsel Virginia & Ambinder, LLP won a victory for home health aides in New York State. Justice Eileen A. Rakower of the New York State Supreme Court issued a decision and order…

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NCLEJ Denounces Attack on Immigrant Families Who Need Government Help in Times of Emergency

Continuing its attacks on immigrants and working families, the Trump administration on Saturday night announced a proposed rule that would debilitate low-income immigrants, children of immigrants, and naturalized citizens currently in the U.S. These proposed changes to long…

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NCLEJ Argues for Fair Wages for Home Health Aides in State Court

Last week, NCLEJ continued to fight for fair pay for home health aides in New York. On August 29, Senior Attorney Travis England argued in New York Supreme Court against recent Department of Labor emergency rules allowing employers…

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NCLEJ Fights Against Poverty Wages for Home Health Aides

NCLEJ’s Katie Deabler and Leah Lotto continued to fight for fair working conditions in New York State. On July 11, 2018, Katie testified before the New York State Department of Labor to oppose a proposed regulations that would…

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Victory in Tennessee for Low-Income Drivers!

This week, in response to the class action filed by NCLEJ and its partners, a federal Judge ordered the State of Tennessee to stop the practice of revoking driver’s licenses from people too poor to pay fines and fees…

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NCLEJ and Co-Counsel Sue City of Buffalo to Stop Discriminatory Checkpoints and Traffic Enforcement

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice, along with co-counsel Western New York Law Center and the Center for Constitutional Rights, filed a class action law suit today against the City of Buffalo and the Buffalo Police…

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NCLEJ is appalled at the SCOTUS decision to uphold President Trump’s Muslim ban

In a major blow to America’s progress towards justice and inclusion, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to uphold President Trump’s travel ban targeting several Muslim-majority countries. The decision effectively upholds a policy that explicitly targets people of the…

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