Category: News

Big Wins in Montgomery Debtors’ Prison Case

Plaintiffs challenging debtors’ prison practices of the City of Montgomery and Judicial Correction Services (JCS), a private contractor that extracted payment of traffic fines and fees on behalf of the City, scored important wins in a July 7…

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NCLEJ Fights Peonage and Debtors’ Prisons in Montgomery, Alabama

NCLEJ represents seven Black residents of Montgomery, AL who filed a class action lawsuit against the City and Judicial Correction Services, Inc. (JCS) to challenge an unlawful peonage and debtor’s prison scheme. Under this system, the City forced…

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NCLEJ Sues to Stop Michigan Medicaid “Hamster Wheel”

Medicaid recipients have long had rights to “fair hearings” to challenge actions affecting theirbenefits. According to a new lawsuit, however, recipients in Michigan cannot get relief from those hearings, evenwhen they win. The suit, filed by attorneys for…

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NCLEJ Opposes Budget Cuts That Threaten Georgia’s SNAP Program

Yesterday, NCLEJ sent a letter to Georgia state legislators strongly opposing proposed cuts to the Georgia Department of Human Services. If enacted, the budget cuts will cause serious harm to Georgians who are already struggling to survive a…

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Home Health Care Advocates Call on Governor Cuomo To Enact Critical Measures to Protect Home Care Workers and Consumers Amid Covid-19 Crisis

(NEW YORK, NY) – A coalition of home health care advocates chaired by The Legal Aid Society today issued a letter calling on New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo to enact critical measures to protect home care workers and consumers from Covid-19 exposure…

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NCLEJ Applauds Supreme Court Decision Upholding DACA Program

Today, the Supreme Court rejected the Trump administration’s plan to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy which was implemented by former President Barack Obama. NCLEJ applauds this victory by and for immigrant youth! We…

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NCLEJ Condemns Trump Administration’s Rule to Rollback ACA’s Non-Discrimination Provisions and Applauds SCOTUS Protection for LGBTQ+ People

On June 12th, the Trump administration finalized a rule that would effectively deny protections for two significant and under-served populations—people with limited English proficiency and transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals. At a time when the nation is facing a…

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NCLEJ and the Kentucky Equal Justice Center sue over unconstitutional medical debt collection practices

Last week, NCLEJ and the Kentucky Equal Justice Center filed a federal class action lawsuit against University of Kentucky Healthcare and the Kentucky Department of Revenue on behalf of thousands of patients of the UK Healthcare system. The…

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End Police Violence

The recent announcement of the upgraded charges against Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin and the arrest of the remaining three officers whose actions and inaction made them complicit in the murder of George Floyd was a necessary but…

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Statement on the Taking of Black Lives

Recent events during the time of pandemic point to a systemic failure to recognize the inherent worth of people of color, low-income people and members of other marginalized communities. The recent extrajudicial killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery,…

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