Category: News

NCLEJ Settles Lawsuit Against the Vermont DMV for Collaborating with ICE

NCLEJ has reached a settlement agreement on behalf of its client Migrant Justice in a federal lawsuit against the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles. The case stems from the DMV’s practice of information-sharing and collaboration with federal immigration…

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NCLEJ Submits Public Comment Opposing Tennessee’s Proposal to Turn TennCare into a Block Grant Program

On November 20, 2019, Tennessee submitted an application to the federal Center for Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). With its application, Tennessee is requesting that the Secretary of HHS waive certain…

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NCLEJ Condemns Trump Administration’s Draconian SNAP “Work Requirement”

Today, the Trump Administration issued a final rule that will deprive 700,000 low-income individuals of basic food assistance. Rather than address the needs of low-income families and individuals, this Administration exacerbates the challenges they face and leaves them without…

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NCLEJ Signs On to Amicus Brief in June Medical Services LLC v. Gee

This week, NCLEJ joined with 72 other organizations committed to equality and economic opportunity for women in signing on to an amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court in June Medical Services LLC v. Gee. The brief was…

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NCLEJ and Partners Sue Louisiana over Poor Mental Health Services for Children

Yesterday, NCLEJ filed a class action lawsuit in federal court on behalf of thousands of Medicaid eligible children in Louisiana who have been affectedby Louisiana’s failure to meet its obligation to provide mental health services to children receiving…

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Staff Attorney Britney Wilson Featured by ESPN’s The Undefeated

ESPN’s The Undefeated recently highlighted the work of NCLEJ Staff Attorney Britney Wilson as part of a tribute to legendary radio host and media personality, Tom Joyner. Britney was the first winner of the Tom Joyner Foundation Full…

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NCLEJ Applauds Nationwide Preliminary Injunction Granted to Block Public Charge Rule

Earlier today, a federal judge granted a nationwide preliminary injunction to block the racist and abusive “public charge” rule. The Department of Homeland Security finalized the rule in August, and was set to begin implementing the new changes…

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NCLEJ’s Katie Deabler Named Chair of City Bar Social Welfare Law Committee

NCLEJ offers a big congratulations to Staff Attorney Katie Deabler, who was recently appointed Chair of the New York City Bar Association’s Social Welfare Law Committee. The Social Welfare Law Committee works on legal issues impacting low income…

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NCLEJ Submits Public Comment Opposing CFPB Debt Collection Rules

On May 7, 2019, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced a proposed rule that would provide a safe harbor for debt collection attorneys who engage in deceptive practices. This rule would set a minimal standard for “meaningful…

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Notice of Proposed Settlement of Class Action in Brooks et. al. v. Roberts

On September 17, 2019, a federal court in Utica, New York will hold a hearing to assess the fairness of a pending settlement in Brooks et. al. v. Roberts.  Class members have the right to oppose or comment…

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