Category: News

NCLEJ Submits Comment Opposing Rule to Relax Nursing Home Regulations as COVID Rages

Yesterday, NCLEJ submitted a comment opposing a proposed rule by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) that would alter the agency’s Preadmission and Resident Review (PASRR) program and make it easier for people to be sent…

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America undervalues its most important workers

Executive Director Dennis Parker tells Street Roots News (an Oregon based-network of news outlets targeting populations not ordinarily reached by media) how the pandemic is highlighting existing inequities — and what can be done about it. Read the…

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Claudia Wilner speaks on over-policing during pandemic

Director of Litigation Claudia Wilner was quoted in the New York Times and in The Cut on the danger posed to low-income and black communities by over-policing and jail for minor offenses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Across the…

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Staff Attorney Britney Wilson Interviewed by Deutshe Wells on COVID-19, Disability, and Working from Home

Deutsche Welle, one of Germany’s leading media outlets, interviewed Britney and other workers with disabilities about the impact of the pandemic on their ability to work from home and the future of workplace structure and accessibility. Read the Deutsche Welle…

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NY Transit Adjudication Bureau Still Collecting Debts Despite COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis has increased the urgency of the class action lawsuit against the New York City Transit Authority (NYCTA), an arm of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), brought by NCLEJ and co-counsel, New Economy Project, the law…

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COVID-19 and Education in Connecticut

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted and added to the appalling disparities in access to educational opportunities faced by communities of color and low-income students. At the same time, this difficult period creates opportunities and a firm mandate to…

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Giving Tuesday Now

On this Giving Tuesday Now, please include the National Center for Law and Economic Justice in your giving plans. Our work has never been more important than it is now in the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. For…

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COVID-19: Protecting Access to Public Benefits

Greg Bass, Senior Attorney with NCLEJ, was asked by the American Bar Association to be a panelist on a webinar dealing with access to public benefits during COVID-19.  These are the PowerPoint slides from his presentation. View PDF

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Honoring Workers on Workers Memorial Day

Today, Workers Memorial Day, we honor workers who died on the job. The day is a vivid reminder of the risks that so many workers take to provide the goods and services that we too often take for…

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Renewing the Fight Against Discriminatory Policing in Buffalo

On April 23rd, NCLEJ filed an amended complaint in Black Love Resists in the Rust v. City of Buffalo. Five additional plaintiffs joined our lawsuit against the City of Buffalo, New York challenging the Buffalo Police Department (BPD)’s systemic…

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