Category: Low-Wage Workers Highlights

NCLEJ Fights Against Poverty Wages for Home Health Aides

NCLEJ’s Katie Deabler and Leah Lotto continued to fight for fair working conditions in New York State. On July 11, 2018, Katie testified before the New York State Department of Labor to oppose a proposed regulations that would…

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Victory in Tennessee for Low-Income Drivers!

This week, in response to the class action filed by NCLEJ and its partners, a federal Judge ordered the State of Tennessee to stop the practice of revoking driver’s licenses from people too poor to pay fines and fees…

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NCLEJ Debuts New Video at Annual Awards Dinner

At our 2018 Awards Dinner on June 6, NCLEJ debuted a new video profiling our work and the communities with whom we work.

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NCLEJ Files Friend of the Court Brief in Support of Farmworkers

On April 25, 2018 NCLEJ filed an amicus curiae (“Friend of the Court”) brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit supporting farmworkers’ rights to fair pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”)….

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NCLEJ and Virginia & Ambinder Lawsuit Challenges Unfair Pay for NY Home Health Aides

On May 4, 2018, NCLEJ and co-counsel at Virginia & Ambinder filed a lawsuit in New York state court against the New York Department of Labor (DOL) on behalf of the Chinese Staff and Workers Association (CSWA), National…

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NCLEJ Condemns the Trump Administration’s Executive Order Directing Stricter Work Requirements in Public Benefits Programs

The Trump Administration’s April 10, 2018 Executive Order is a cruel and heartless attack on low-income individuals and families. In requiring federal agencies to take steps to add or strengthen work requirements for recipients of all means-tested assistance…

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New York State Passes Anti-Sexual Harassment Legislation Supported by NCLEJ

On March 30, 2018 the New York State Legislature passed and the Governor signed a new bill that includes significant improvements to state laws governing workplace sexual harassment.  These new provisions: Expand existing state law protections against workplace…

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Significant Win in NCLEJ’s Tennessee Driver’s License Class Action

NCLEJ and its allies won a significant victory yesterday in Thomas v. Haslam (Middle District TN., Judge Aleta Trauger). The Court, in a lengthy, detailed, and very well-reasoned decision denied the State’s motion to dismiss and granted plaintiffs…

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NCLEJ Joins with Allies to Advocate for Fair Housing

Last week, NCLEJ joined with nearly 600 allies, including colleague legal advocacy nonprofits, grassroots groups, foundations, churches, private companies, and individuals to oppose any attempt by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to abandon communities of color….

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NCLEJ and its allies help defeat proposed Workers Compensation regulations that would have severely harmed low-wage workers

In September 2017, as a result of recent New York State legislation, the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board proposed new impairment guidelines for benefits that are awarded to workers who suffer a permanent impairment as a result…

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