Category: Litigation

Federal Appeals Court Affirms that Connecticut Food Stamp Applicants Can Sue for Timely Benefits

In a major victory for food stamp applicants, represented by the National Center for Law and Economic Justice and Greater Hartford Legal Aid, the U.S Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled on July 6, 2015 that…

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Class Action Settlement Requires Accessible Public Benefits Information for Persons Who Are Visually Impaired

As a result of a federal class action settlement in Rafferty v. Doar, New York City and State agencies will begin providing information about food stamps and Medicaid in a variety of alternate formats that are accessible to…

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NCLEJ and Empire Justice Center Enforcement Actions Extend Relief for Needy Residents of Nassau County, NY

NCLEJ and the Empire Justice Center achieved a revised settlement in January 2015 in a case before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York challenging Nassau County’s unlawful practice of delaying food stamp,…

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NCLEJ Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Protect the Ability of Low-Income Patients to Pursue Medical Malpractice Claims

On November 11, NCLEJ filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to protect the ability of low-income patients of federally-funded health centers to pursue medical malpractice claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act by continuing the…

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NCLEJ’s Food Stamp Litigation Highlighted

ThinkProgress, an independent, progressive, non-partisan news blog from the Center for American Progress Action Fund, highlights NCLEJ’s work to ensure timely food stamp access for low-income families across the country. The article cites Indiana’s improved timely processing of…

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Nebraska Appleseed and NCLEJ Challenge Unlawful Delay of Food Assistance in Nebraska

In August 2014, NCLEJ and Nebraska Appleseed filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of a working, single mother who has been unlawfully delayed from receiving urgent and necessary help providing food for her family through the Supplemental Nutrition…

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NCLEJ Successfully Fought Improper Barriers for NYS Family Day Care Providers

On September 27, 2013, the Appellate Division, Fourth Department affirmed a decision by the Supreme Court, Cayuga County, that local zoning laws that would have effectively barred family day care are unenforceable because state law preempts local regulation…

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NCLEJ and EJC Lawsuit Helps Thousands; New Order Imposes New Requirements on Suffolk County (NY)

NCLEJ and the Empire Justice Center achieved a revised settlement in July 2014 in a United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York case challenging Suffolk County’s unlawful practice of delaying food stamp and Medicaid…

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Federal Court Approves Class Action Settlement Requiring Niagara County (NY) to Provide Benefits Faster

On July 9, 2013, NCLEJ and the Western New York Law Center filed a class action, McCoy v. Restaino, in the Western District of New York on behalf of residents of Niagara County who have applied, or are…

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Federal Court Settlement Requires NYC Housing Authority to Fix Rampant Mold and Moisture Problems in Public Housing

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) will address mold and excessive moisture in its apartments more quickly and thoroughly as a result of an agreement approved by the court in, Baez v. NYCHA, filed by NCLEJ and…

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