Category: Policy Advocacy

NCLEJ Joins with Allies to Advocate for Fair Housing

Last week, NCLEJ joined with nearly 600 allies, including colleague legal advocacy nonprofits, grassroots groups, foundations, churches, private companies, and individuals to oppose any attempt by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to abandon communities of color….

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NCLEJ and its allies help defeat proposed Workers Compensation regulations that would have severely harmed low-wage workers

In September 2017, as a result of recent New York State legislation, the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board proposed new impairment guidelines for benefits that are awarded to workers who suffer a permanent impairment as a result…

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NCLEJ Opposes Trump Administration’s Proposed Rule Allowing Employers to Keep Workers’ Tips

NCLEJ is opposing a U.S. Department of Labor proposed rule that would allow employers to keep workers’ tips. The proposed rule would rescind 2011 regulations confirming that under the Fair Labor Standards Act, tips are the property of…

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Join NCLEJ in Opposing Trump Administration’s Misguided Medicaid Work Requirements Policy

Today, the Trump administration made its latest move to undermine Medicaid—a vital piece of America’s health care social safety net. The Administration announced a new policy to let states require people who receive Medicaid to work, with very few exceptions. This…

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NCLEJ Testifies Against Devastating Cuts to Workers’ Compensation in New York State

Staff Attorney Leah Lotto testified in opposition to proposed changes to New York’s Workers’ Compensation System that would dramatically cut benefits workers who are injured or made ill on the job, as well as limit their ability to…

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Championing SNAP at 40

SNAP, also known as food stamps, is an essential program that prevents tens of millions of Americans from experiencing dire hunger each year. SNAP serves a broad swath of the population, including families and single adults, the employed…

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NCLEJ Statement on Latest Victory in Fight to Protect Access to Health Care

NCLEJ joins with its allies and millions of Americans in celebrating the defeat of the latest Republican effort to gut the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and leave millions of Americans without access to health care. The Senate’s rejection…

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Trump’s Budget: Savage Attack on Ordinary Folks in Favor of Tax Breaks for the Rich

The President’s just released budget proposes cruel cuts to all basic safety net programs that help struggling families and individuals. This budget – with more details than the “skinny budget” released two months ago – is an outrageous…

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May 2017 E-Newsletter

Check out NCLEJ’s May 2017 E-Newsletter

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NCLEJ Honored by NYCOSH at Its Annual Awards Gala

NCLEJ, represented by Staff Attorneys Katie Deabler and Leah Lotto, was honored by the New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health (NYCOSH) at its annual awards gala on May 4, 2017. NCLEJ was honored for the great…

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