Category: News

NCLEJ and Colleagues Win Settlement Requiring Accessible Trailers for Katrina Evacuees with Disabilities

On September 26, 2006, the Center and colleagues secured a favorable settlement in Brou v. FEMA, a case filed by the Center and others in February 2006 against FEMA on behalf of evacuees from hurricanes Katrina and Rita…

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Center Challenges Pervasive Benefit Delays in Upstate New York

In February 2006 we filed a federal class action in Buffalo against the county services commissioner challenging the county’s policies and practices of failing to process applications and provide food stamps, Medicaid, and cash assistance in a timely…

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NCLEJ Assured Due Process in Welfare Hearings in New York

We and our colleagues successfully challenged New York State’s practice of depriving welfare recipients of the right to review evidence, call witnesses, and present documents in the course of appealing a negative decisions. Our 2005 landmark class action…

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Center Secures Comprehensive Policy Reforms in Virginia and New Jersey

We provided extensive consultation and advice to the New Jersey Department of Human Services that resulted in a comprehensive ADA policy for the state’s welfare programs issued in 2005. We then trained 350 local agency staff on the…

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Center and Colleague Achieve Favorable Settlement In Arizona Food Stamp Application Delay Case

In the fall of 2005 the Center reached a very favorable settlement agreement in our federal class action challenging the Arizona CBD welfare agency’s failure to act on food stamp applications within the time required by federal law….

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NCLEJ Report Influences New York City Mayor’s 2005 Child Care Proposals

In 2004 we published Lost in the Maze: A Look at New York City’s Fragmented Child Care Delivery System, which described a system in crisis and set out needed reforms. In October 2005 Mayor Bloomberg outlined his vision…

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Center Safeguards Critical Rights of Medicaid Recipients in Missouri

To protect the rights of Medicaid recipients in Missouri, the Center filed a federal class action lawsuit in June 2005 in the Western District of Missouri challenging the implementation of cuts in state’s Medicaid program. The cuts dis-enrolled…

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Center Wins Favorable Settlement in Arizona Food Stamp Application Delay Case

In the fall of 2005 the Center reached a very favorable settlement agreement in our federal class action challenging the Arizona welfare agency’s failure to act on food stamp applications within the time required by federal law. To…

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Center and Colleagues Stop New York City from Unlawfully Preventing Access to Benefits

We won a comprehensive federal court injunction in 2005 in a groundbreaking class action that derailed New York City’s unlawful policy of discouraging eligible people from applying for cash assistance, Medicaid, and Food Stamps. Following an earlier three-day…

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Testimony Regarding the Role of Education in Helping Low-Income Families Become Economically Self-Sufficient

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