Category: News

Three Great Reasons to Give to NCLEJ on Giving Tuesday

There are really many, many reasons why NCLEJ deserves your generosity on giving Tuesday. NCLEJ is a social and economic justice organization that not only makes a crucial difference in the lives of low-income families across this already great…

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NCLEJ Wins Second Circuit Appeal against Debt Collection Attorney

NCLEJ has secured a victory in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals holding a debt collection attorney accountable for deceptive and unfair litigation practices against low-income New Yorkers. NCLEJ, along with co-counsel New Economy Project and Ahmad Keshavarz,…

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Greg Bass Article on Landmark Rafferty Settlement Protecting Medicaid and SNAP Access for People with Vision Impairments

NCLEJ Greg Bass has published an article on the successful Rafferty v. Doar federal class action litigation which secured the rights of SNAP and Medicaid clients with vision impairments under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to receive…

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District Judge directs Tennessee Commissioner to reinstate licenses to indigent drivers.

Last week, the United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee issued a Temporary Restraining Order directing the immediate reinstatement of the driver’s licenses of Fred Robinson and Ashley Sprague, named plaintiffs in a class action…

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Civil Rights Advocates Sue Buffalo Police Department for Information about Checkpoints

Today, NCLEJ and Western New York Law Center sued the Buffalo Police Department to force it to turn over information about its checkpoint program. Read the full press release here.

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NCLEJ Testifies Against Devastating Cuts to Workers’ Compensation in New York State

Staff Attorney Leah Lotto testified in opposition to proposed changes to New York’s Workers’ Compensation System that would dramatically cut benefits workers who are injured or made ill on the job, as well as limit their ability to…

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Championing SNAP at 40

SNAP, also known as food stamps, is an essential program that prevents tens of millions of Americans from experiencing dire hunger each year. SNAP serves a broad swath of the population, including families and single adults, the employed…

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NCLEJ Co-Sponsors DACA Renewal Immigration and Mental Health Clinic

In response to Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, NCLEJ’s Theresa Lau, NAPABA Law Foundation Partners and In-House Counsel Community Law Fellow, has organized a free legal clinic to help DACA…

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Civil Rights Advocates Sue to End Unlawful Driver’s License Suspensions in Tennessee

Last week, attorneys from the National Center for Law and Economic Justice (NCLEJ), Civil Rights Corps, Just City, and the law firm Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, filed a federal class action lawsuit, Robinson, et al. v….

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NCLEJ Joins Amicus Brief Supporting Equal Pay

NCLEJ joined 27 other organizations on an amicus brief supporting Philadelphia’s prior wage legislation. The ordinance, which prohibits reliance on and inquiry about a job candidate’s prior wage to determine his or her salary, is an important step…

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