Category: News

Imposing Work Requirements on the Child Tax Credit Do Nothing to Reduce Poverty or Incentivize Work

The expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) has been one of the largest opportunities to reduce poverty in decades, but the long-term impact of this legislation is tied to who can access this assistance.   Introduced as part of the American Rescue Plan, the expanded CTC has already lifted 3.5 million…

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Announcing the 2021 NCLEJ Catalyst Awards

WATCH THE FULL PROGRAM. The National Center for Law and Economic Justice announces the NCLEJ Catalyst Awards: A Celebration of Changemakers on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 7 PM ET. The 60-minute livestream fundraiser will feature a dynamic celebration of thought-leaders, including our incredible partners…

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How Louisiana’s Unemployment System Continues to Fail Families

As winter nears, thousands of Louisianans continue to struggle to access unemployment insurance due to the state’s failure to prioritize and address refusals in the system.   NCLEJ continued our work to ensure that Louisianans can access these essential benefits by filing our opposition to the state’s second attempt to have our May lawsuit tossed out of court.  “Louisiana’s unemployment system is so…

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U.S. EPA to Investigate NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Approval of Brooklyn Natural Gas Pipeline

Complaint Filed by Brooklyn Community Groups in August Accused DEC of Discrimination After Failing to Review Natural Gas Pipeline Contact: Amy Paul, The United States Environmental Protection Agency is investigating the New York State Department of Environmental…

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How to Challenge School Zone Speed Camera Tickets in Buffalo

NCLEJ and our partner Fair Fines and Fees Coalition prepared this guide to assist individuals who received tickets under the Buffalo, New York school zone speed camera program. This guide explains how to request a hearing to dispute…

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Fixing the Unemployment Insurance System So It Works for All

Federal unemployment insurance assistance ended last weekend, leaving an estimated 11 million individuals without the additional pandemic assistance, and 7.5 million workers with no unemployment according to the Century Foundation. In New York alone, 1.6 million residents lost the added unemployment benefits. …

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“How to possibly get reimbursed for school speeding camera tickets”

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The controversial school speeding cameras that were placed around schools monitoring speed limits were taken down, and the program officially ended on Sept. 1. Yet, drivers are still fighting for refunds from speeding tickets. Lawyer…

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NCLEJ & Immigrant Advocates Demand End Date to Ice Contract at Georgia Detention Center

NCLEJ filed FOIA and Georgia Open Records Act Requests seeking government records regarding public officials’ progress and timeline for ending ICE operations at the Irwin County Detention Center (ICDC), an immigration detention center in Georgia with a long…

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New Discrimination Complaint Accuses National Grid of Bypassing Safety Laws for Brooklyn Pipeline

Community groups from across Brooklyn, represented by the National Center for Law and Economic Justice and the New York Law School Civil Rights and Disability Justice Clinic, filed a groundbreaking federal civil rights complaint against the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the New…

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Brooklyn residents take legal action against the construction of the North Brooklyn pipeline

Brooklyn residents gathered in Brownsville, claiming that National Grid misled the community. The residents have filed a Title VI complaint asking the federal government to examine the project. The New York Law School Civil Rights and Disability Justice…

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