Category: Meeting Basic Needs Highlights

NCLEJ Submits Public Comment Opposing Proposed HUD “Mixed Status Families” Rule

On May 10, 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) published a proposed rule that would prohibit “mixed-status” families from living in public and other government-subsidized housing. Mixed-status families are households that include both members…

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NCLEJ Sues Trump HHS, Alleging Improper Use of Authority to Approve New Hampshire’s Medicaid Work Requirements

Today, NCLEJ filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of low-income New Hampshire residents who depend on Medicaid to access critical health care services. The case challenges the Trump administration’s approval of New Hampshire’s “Granite Advantage” Section…

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NCLEJ Wins Delaware Food Stamp Case

In a case of national first impression, the Delaware Supreme Court adopted the reasoning from NCLEJ’s briefing and ruled unanimously in Gonzalez v. State of Delaware that federal law prohibits the State of Delaware from suing SNAP (food…

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Trump Budget Harms Struggling Families by Cutting Funding for Assistance Programs and Pushing for Strict Work Requirements

The President’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal is yet another attack on poor families. The Administration has proposed to slash funding for critical programs that help low- and moderate-income individuals access healthy and nutritious food, receive critical health care…

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NCLEJ Submits Public Comment Opposing Proposed “Public Charge” Rule

In September, the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) announced a proposed rule that would expand the definition of a “public charge” and change the way immigration officials administer the “public charge” test to determine whether to admit or…

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NCLEJ Denounces Attack on Immigrant Families Who Need Government Help in Times of Emergency

Continuing its attacks on immigrants and working families, the Trump administration on Saturday night announced a proposed rule that would debilitate low-income immigrants, children of immigrants, and naturalized citizens currently in the U.S. These proposed changes to long…

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NCLEJ Joins Friend of Court Brief Urging No Citizenship Question in 2020 Census  

NCLEJ has joined more than 150 other organizations in an amicus curiae, or “friend of the court” brief in the lawsuit brought by the State of New York against the U.S. Department of Commerce challenging the inclusion of…

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NCLEJ Debuts New Video at Annual Awards Dinner

At our 2018 Awards Dinner on June 6, NCLEJ debuted a new video profiling our work and the communities with whom we work.

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Court Orders DC to Timely Process SNAP Applications

Last week, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, in a lawsuit brought by NCLEJ, the Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia, and Hogan Lovells, held that the District of Columbia Department of…

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NCLEJ Condemns the Trump Administration’s Executive Order Directing Stricter Work Requirements in Public Benefits Programs

The Trump Administration’s April 10, 2018 Executive Order is a cruel and heartless attack on low-income individuals and families. In requiring federal agencies to take steps to add or strengthen work requirements for recipients of all means-tested assistance…

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