Category: In the News

Lawyers want to question 5 Buffalo cops who ticketed minority drivers the most

This article was originally published in Buffalo News. Read it here. Buffalo police officer active in the Strike Force unit that patrolled minority neighborhoods wrote almost 12,000 traffic tickets over an eight-year period. More than 70% of them went…

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Lawsuit: Aggressive ticketing of Black drivers

Data obtained via a civil rights lawsuit making its way through federal court shows a half-dozen Buffalo cops issued an disproportionate number of traffic tickets to Black motorists. By Geoff Kelly This article was originally published in InvestigativePost….

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‘Hungry, frustrated and unheard’: With food stamp backlog, Alaska parent struggles to feed son

A state leader cites multiple reasons for the growth of the backlog, which has no clear end in site This article was originally published in Alaska Beacon. Read it here. The last time Palmer resident Jessica Clayton received…

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Lawsuit says Alaska Department of Health exposed thousands to hunger risk by not giving food aid

By Lisa Phu This story was originally published in Alaska Beacon. Read it here. Ten Alaskans are suing the state, saying it failed to provide food stamps within the time frames required by federal law. The complaint was filed Friday in…

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Another Voice: Deadly blizzard urgently demands that elected officials reimagine safety in Buffalo

This article was originally published in The Buffalo News. Read it here. As of Jan. 2, 2023, at least 39 people in Erie County, the majority of whom are Black, have lost their lives in the deadliest blizzard…

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Maybe the feds can fix Buffalo police

Geoff Kelly and InvestigativePost continue to cover the problem of discriminatory policing in Buffalo. Read the full article. The U.S. Justice Department has investigated more than 80 problem-plagued police departments and correctional facilities over the past 25 years…

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Advocates Press DHS on Workers Rights

NCLEJ joined more than 330 immigration groups and other rights organizations and signed onto a letter calling on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to release promised guidance bolstering protections for migrant workers combating workplace abuses. The action was covered in…

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The Editorial Board: Reports of racist language by Buffalo police are disgusting and disturbing

The Buffalo News editorial board condemned the widespread use racial epithets within the BPD and leadership’s failure to investigate or train officers on this bias. Read the article here. Reports that racist language has been routinely used –…

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Disturbing police testimony demands action

Jim Heaney of Investigative Post reports on toxic culture permeating the Buffalo Police Department described, under oath, by police themselves in NCLEJ litigation depositions. Read full article. Racist talk. A lack of training, supervision and accountability. Byron Brown…

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Buffalo police regularly use racial slur for Black people, officials testify

Charlie Specht of The Buffalo News reported on Buffalo police’s regularly use racial slurs when referring to Black members of the public revealed in NCLEJ’s litigation. Read the full article. Buffalo police regularly use racial slurs when referring…

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