Category: SNAP Highlights

NCLEJ and Colleagues Challenge Florida’s Improper Termination of Food Stamps for Jobless Adults

On December 16, NCLEJ, along with Florida colleagues, filed a federal class action lawsuit in the Northern District of Florida challenging the State’s termination of food stamps for needy adults as a result of its flawed implementation of…

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NCLEJ and Colleagues Secure Settlement Requiring Connecticut to Issue Timely Food Stamps to Needy Households

As part of NCLEJ’s ongoing effort to hold state governments accountable, we, along with Greater Hartford Legal Aid, have achieved a victory for Connecticut residents who have suffered delays in receiving their food stamp benefits. Such delays cause…

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NCLEJ and ACLU of Rhode Island Lawsuit Challenges Unlawful Delays of SNAP Benefits

NCLEJ and the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island (ACLU) have filed a class action lawsuit against the State of Rhode Island over its widespread failure to process food stamp applications from the state’s neediest residents in…

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NCLEJ Brief Opposes Counting Food Stamps as Income in Determining Child Support

In a case that will have a big impact on low-income New York parents, NCLEJ filed an amicus brief with the New York State Court of Appeals in Lattuca v. Lattuca. The case addresses the issue of whether…

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Class Action Challenges New York’s Termination of SNAP for Certain Adults

On August 19, 2016 the Empire Justice Center, with NCLEJ as co-counsel, filed a federal class action lawsuit to challenge New York’s termination of SNAP benefits, also known as food stamps, to thousands of New Yorkers. The benefits…

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NCLEJ Reflects on TANF’s 20th Anniversary

It has been 20 years this month since the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, which established the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, was enacted. Marking this anniversary, NCLEJ Executive Director Marc Cohan…

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Settlement Secured in SNAP Class Action to Benefit Low-Income Nebraskans

NCLEJ and Nebraska Appleseed have secured a settlement in a Nebraska Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) class action lawsuit, which will help tens of thousands of low-income Nebraska families. The case challenged a system-wide failure by the Nebraska state…

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Low-Income Georgia Households to Receive $22 Million to Compensate for Their Wrongly Deprived Food Stamps

Tens of thousands of low-income Georgia families who were wrongly deprived of food stamps will receive $22 million as part of an agreement negotiated by NCLEJ. This agreement will provide relief to nearly 48,000 households across the state,…

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Georgia Governor Rescinds Executive Order Banning Syrian Refugees from Resettlement Benefits

On January 4, 2016, Governor Nathan Deal of Georgia rescinded an executive order he issued in November banning Syrian refugees from resettlement benefits. In December 2015, NCLEJ sent a letter to counsel representing Georgia’s Division of Family Services…

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Louisiana Restores Food Stamp Benefits for Thousands

On December 18, 2015, the New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice (NOWCRJ) and NCLEJ filed a lawsuit against the State of Louisiana for threatening to terminate food stamps for more than 31,000 low-income individuals. Outgoing Louisiana Governor…

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