Category: Policy Advocacy

Drivers with Suspended Licenses in Oregon Need Debt Relief

By Claudia Wilner, Director of Litigation and Advocacy 11 million people across the U.S. are prohibited from driving because they can’t afford to pay fines and fees. Most of those drivers are people of color. In Oregon, Black…

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NCLEJ Files Brief in Support of Home Care Workers Challenging Abusive Arbitration Award

Contact: Carmela Huang, National Center for Law and Economic Justice |  New York, NY — Today, National Center for Law and Economic Justice (NCLEJ), filed a “friend of the court” brief with the United States Court of…

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Designed to Exclude: New York’s Failure to Provide Compensation and Language Access to Unemployed Workers

Designed to Exclude: New York’s Failure to Provide Compensation and Language Access to Unemployed Workers is a report by the National Center for Law and Economic Justice which details the New York State Department of Labor’s (NYSDOL) failure…

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Extreme Language Barriers Prevent Workers from Getting Unemployment Insurance in the Pandemic 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Zavé Martohardjono |  Today the National Center for Law and Economic Justice (NCLEJ) released “Designed to Exclude: New York’s Failure to Provide Compensation and Language Access to Unemployed Workers”. This report documents the…

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Barreras Lingüísticas Impiden A Trabajadores Obtener El Seguro De Desempleo Durante La Pandemia

Los desastrosos errores de Nueva York que le costaron el acceso a beneficios de desempleo durante la pandemia a trabajadores de habla hispana Contacto: Zavé Martohardjono | El National Law Center for Economic Justice organizará una conferencia…

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Working People Failed by Democratic Leadership of NYS Senate

New York Workers, Advocates, Faith Leaders & Unions Urge NYS to Stop Wage Theft  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:Sarah Ahn, Flushing Workers Center | ahn.s81@gmail.comJoAnn Lum, National Mobilization Against SweatShops | joannlum8@gmail.comCarmela Huang, National Center for Law and Economic…

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New York’s Hidden Water Affordability Crisis

The following excerpts were reprinted from The River. Read the full article. If you could get to another planet, what would you need to live there? It’s a straightforward question with a simple answer—air, food, shelter, and water….

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Winston & Strawn Releases 2022 Pro Bono Racial Justice & Equity CEASE Initiative Report

The following excerpts were reprinted from PRNewswire. Read the full article. Winston & Strawn LLP has released its 2022 Pro Bono Racial Justice & Equity CEASE Initiative Report. The publication outlines the CEASE Initiative’s most significant wins and ongoing matters…

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New York Ends Mortgage Requirement for Homeowners Who Receive Welfare Benefits

The Social Services Law 106 was repealed in the New York State Budget. This important and necessary reform was long overdue. As a result of the repeal and subsequent guidance issued by the Office of Temporary Disability Assistance,…

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