Category: News

USDA Signs Off on Plan to Provide Retroactive Benefits to Georgians Wrongly Deprived of Food Stamps

In a large-scale win for low-income Georgia families, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) signed off on an agreement brokered by NCLEJ that will provide retroactive food stamps to tens of thousands of families wrongly deprived of…

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Debt Collection Class Action Obtains Victory for Thousands of New Yorkers

NCLEJ helped to secure a $59 million settlement in Sykes v. Mel S. Harris & Associates, a federal class action challenging widespread abusive debt collection practices in the New York State courts. The settlement, announced on November 12,…

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Favorable Appeals Court Decision for New York Medicaid Recipients

On October 15, 2015, the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals issued an important decision in favor of low-income elderly and disabled New York Medicaid recipients who seek fair hearings to challenge New York State’s termination of their…

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Greg Bass Addresses Conference of Georgia Legal Aid Advocates on Housing Discrimination

At the invitation of the Atlanta Legal Aid Society, NCLEJ Senior Attorney Greg Bass traveled to Atlanta on October 2nd, where he addressed advocates gathered at an annual conference at the Georgia State Bar offices on using the…

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Greg Bass Conducts Webinars on the Americans with Disabilities Act

Senior Attorney Greg Bass conducted two recent webinars on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). On August 13th, he conducted a webinar for legal services and disability rights advocates in Georgia on using the ADA on behalf of…

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Court Approves Class Action Settlement to Improve Access to Food Stamps in Georgia

On August 5, 2015, Judge William S. Duffey, Jr., of the Northern District of Georgia approved the class action settlement in Melanie K. v. Horton. NCLEJ filed the case to challenge Georgia’s system-wide failure to process food stamp…

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NCLEJ Files Amicus Brief on Behalf of 13 Advocacy Groups

On July 23rd, NCLEJ filed an amicus curiae brief in the New York State Court of Appeals on behalf of 13 economic and social justice organizations. The issue on appeal in Carver v. New York is whether New…

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Federal Appeals Court Affirms that Connecticut Food Stamp Applicants Can Sue for Timely Benefits

In a major victory for food stamp applicants, represented by the National Center for Law and Economic Justice and Greater Hartford Legal Aid, the U.S Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled on July 6, 2015 that…

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Congratulations, Kevin McCarthy and Camille Holmes!

On June 3rd, BNY Mellon Senior Executive Vice President and General Counsel Kevin McCarthy and NLADA Director of Leadership and Racial Equity Camille Holmes were honored at NCLEJ’s 50th Anniversary Awards Dinner at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers….

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Class Action Settlement Requires Accessible Public Benefits Information for Persons Who Are Visually Impaired

As a result of a federal class action settlement in Rafferty v. Doar, New York City and State agencies will begin providing information about food stamps and Medicaid in a variety of alternate formats that are accessible to…

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