Category: Low-Wage Workers Highlights

NCLEJ Opposes Trump Administration’s Proposed Rule Allowing Employers to Keep Workers’ Tips

NCLEJ is opposing a U.S. Department of Labor proposed rule that would allow employers to keep workers’ tips. The proposed rule would rescind 2011 regulations confirming that under the Fair Labor Standards Act, tips are the property of…

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Join NCLEJ in Opposing Trump Administration’s Misguided Medicaid Work Requirements Policy

Today, the Trump administration made its latest move to undermine Medicaid—a vital piece of America’s health care social safety net. The Administration announced a new policy to let states require people who receive Medicaid to work, with very few exceptions. This…

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NCLEJ Supports New York State Workers’ Comp. Revised Proposed Regulations and Guidelines

In April 2017, the New York State Legislature enacted legislation that requires the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board to adopt new impairment guidelines for scheduled loss of use awards, which are awarded to workers who suffer a…

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NCLEJ Testifies Against Devastating Cuts to Workers’ Compensation in New York State

Staff Attorney Leah Lotto testified in opposition to proposed changes to New York’s Workers’ Compensation System that would dramatically cut benefits workers who are injured or made ill on the job, as well as limit their ability to…

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NCLEJ Statement on Latest Victory in Fight to Protect Access to Health Care

NCLEJ joins with its allies and millions of Americans in celebrating the defeat of the latest Republican effort to gut the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and leave millions of Americans without access to health care. The Senate’s rejection…

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NCLEJ Honored by NYCOSH at Its Annual Awards Gala

NCLEJ, represented by Staff Attorneys Katie Deabler and Leah Lotto, was honored by the New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health (NYCOSH) at its annual awards gala on May 4, 2017. NCLEJ was honored for the great…

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Workers’ Compensation Board Fails Workers with Limited English Proficiency

The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) fails to adequately protect the rights of injured or ill workers to understand and participate in hearings to determine their benefits, finds a new report released today by NCLEJ and the Worker…

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Trump Budget Hurts Struggling Families and Communities

The President’s newly unveiled budget slashes funding for critical programs that serve low- and moderate-income people. It is an outrageous betrayal of the millions of regular Americans who have been struggling to make ends meet and have been…

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NCLEJ Urges a Rigorous Confirmation Hearing for Secretary of Labor

See below the text of a letter co-signed by NCLEJ. Chairman Lamar Alexander Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions United States Senate Ranking Member Patty Murray Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions United States Senate January…

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Observations on the Adverse Impact of TANF After 20 Years

By Marc Cohan, Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice Twenty years ago then President Clinton signed the so-called “welfare reform” law. The legislation was a comprehensive and far-reaching effort to eliminate welfare as this nation…

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