Category: Disability Rights Highlights

NCLEJ Settles Lawsuit Against Florida State Medicaid Agencies for Unlawfully Terminating Healthcare Benefits for Eligible Individuals

On February 25, NCLEJ and its partners secured a settlement agreement with Florida’s state Medicaid agencies to ensure that eligible individuals, including many with disabilities, can keep accessing health care services without interruption. On August 8, 2019 NCLEJ…

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Cayuga County DSS ADA Training

NCLEJ has collaborated with legal services advocates to work with local district departments of social services throughout New York State, to develop an Americans with Disabilities Act compliance policy that will enhance protections for agency clients with disabilities,…

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NCLEJ Submits Public Comment Opposing Tennessee’s Proposal to Turn TennCare into a Block Grant Program

On November 20, 2019, Tennessee submitted an application to the federal Center for Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). With its application, Tennessee is requesting that the Secretary of HHS waive certain…

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NCLEJ and Partners Sue Louisiana over Poor Mental Health Services for Children

Yesterday, NCLEJ filed a class action lawsuit in federal court on behalf of thousands of Medicaid eligible children in Louisiana who have been affectedby Louisiana’s failure to meet its obligation to provide mental health services to children receiving…

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NCLEJ Applauds Nationwide Preliminary Injunction Granted to Block Public Charge Rule

Earlier today, a federal judge granted a nationwide preliminary injunction to block the racist and abusive “public charge” rule. The Department of Homeland Security finalized the rule in August, and was set to begin implementing the new changes…

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NCLEJ Condemns Finalized Public Charge Rule from Trump’s DHS

NCLEJ condemns the racist and abusive policy that the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) published in final form earlier today. The new DHS “public charge” rules are only part of the Trump Administration’s sweeping and continued attack on…

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NCLEJ and Empire Justice Center Sue Suffolk County Department of Social Services, Alleging Discrimination Against People with Disabilities

Yesterday, NCLEJ filed a federal class action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York on behalf of low-income Suffolk County residents with disabilities, alleging discrimination by the Suffolk County Department of Social…

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Victory for Medicaid Recipients in New Hampshire

On July 29, 2019, NCLEJ and co-counsel National Health Law Program and New Hampshire Legal Assistance won a victory that protects Medicaid recipients in New Hampshire from harsh work requirements. A federal judge vacated the U.S. Department of…

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Trump Budget Harms Struggling Families by Cutting Funding for Assistance Programs and Pushing for Strict Work Requirements

The President’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal is yet another attack on poor families. The Administration has proposed to slash funding for critical programs that help low- and moderate-income individuals access healthy and nutritious food, receive critical health care…

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NCLEJ Debuts New Video at Annual Awards Dinner

At our 2018 Awards Dinner on June 6, NCLEJ debuted a new video profiling our work and the communities with whom we work.

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