Category: Disability Rights Highlights

Celebrating the Americans with Disabilities Act on the 31st Anniversary

Today we celebrate the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), signed into law on July 26, 1990, following years of advocacy by the disability community, advocates, and allies. While tremendous wins have been achieved over the…

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A Precedent-Setting Win for People with Disabilities in Michigan

Michiganders with disabilities achieved a major victory in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in NCLEJ’s Waskul v. Washtenaw County Community Mental Health case. Plaintiffs, individuals with developmental disabilities, and the Washtenaw Association for Community Advocacy, a non-profit organization that…

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NCLEJ Files Lawsuit to Protect Personal Ventilator Users

Did you know that New York State has a policy for rationing medical resources — like ventilators — during emergency health crises? As Covid-19 infections spike again this Fall, New Yorkers with disabilities, and especially personal ventilator users…

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NCLEJ protects SSP for disabled and elderly in New York State

NCLEJ submitted comments in opposition to proposed regulatory changes in the New York State Supplement Program (“SSP”). SSP provides a modest additional payment to recipients of federal Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”), for indigent people who are elderly or…

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NCLEJ Sues to Stop Michigan Medicaid “Hamster Wheel”

Medicaid recipients have long had rights to “fair hearings” to challenge actions affecting theirbenefits. According to a new lawsuit, however, recipients in Michigan cannot get relief from those hearings, evenwhen they win. The suit, filed by attorneys for…

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Home Health Care Advocates Call on Governor Cuomo To Enact Critical Measures to Protect Home Care Workers and Consumers Amid Covid-19 Crisis

(NEW YORK, NY) – A coalition of home health care advocates chaired by The Legal Aid Society today issued a letter calling on New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo to enact critical measures to protect home care workers and consumers from Covid-19 exposure…

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NCLEJ Submits Comment Opposing Rule to Relax Nursing Home Regulations as COVID Rages

Yesterday, NCLEJ submitted a comment opposing a proposed rule by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) that would alter the agency’s Preadmission and Resident Review (PASRR) program and make it easier for people to be sent…

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Staff Attorney Britney Wilson Interviewed by Deutshe Wells on COVID-19, Disability, and Working from Home

Deutsche Welle, one of Germany’s leading media outlets, interviewed Britney and other workers with disabilities about the impact of the pandemic on their ability to work from home and the future of workplace structure and accessibility. Read the Deutsche Welle…

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NCLEJ’s Statement in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

NCLEJ stands in solidarity with and in support of those that have been most affected by the COVID-19 crisis as it continues to ravage the nation and the globe. In a time when public officials have instructed most…

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NCLEJ Submits Public Comment Opposing HUD’S Proposed “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Rule

On January 14, 2020, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) published a proposed rule that would change the way the agency upholds its obligation to affirmatively further fair housing for all who need it. The…

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