There are really many, many reasons why NCLEJ deserves your generosity on giving Tuesday. NCLEJ is a social and economic justice organization that not only makes a crucial difference in the lives of low-income families across this already great country, but also achieves systemic change. We believe in a nation that protects our most vulnerable and that treats all with fundamental fairness, and to that end have produced great results for more than 50 years. I could spend all day telling you about our wonderful successes, but I promised you just three great reasons to give to NCLEJ: - We won a landmark federal court decision that protects Social Security Retirement Income from attachment by predatory creditors.This means that our retirees can rest easy that their bank accounts will not be frozen without their consent and they will not have to spend months in court getting their own money!
- We persuaded the federal court in Rhode Island to appoint a Special Master to fix Rhode Island’s broken food stamp program. Rhode Island has been failing to timely give food stamps to thousands of eligible families for months. The final straw was when hundreds of unprocessed applications were found untouched. We will work with the Special Master to secure enduring fixes so that hungry families can get the help they need.
- We launched a project to support community organizers and their allies in Buffalo, New York who are challenging racial profiling in police enforcement. In the wake of Ferguson, Missouri and the challenge to stop-and-frisk policing in America’s larger cities, communities of color are demanding equal and fair treatment in policing strategies. We are proud to join with Buffalo’s advocates to fight against race based traffic stops and other discriminatory practices that target communities of color.
You can see much more about our great work at But, wait, there is more! If you give to NCLEJ this giving Tuesday, your gift will be doubled. This means that you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your support for our amazing advocacy will go twice as far this year. I am most gratified that our ardent supporters, NCLEJ Board Chair Jennifer Selendy and Phillippe Selendy will match your gifts, dollar-for-dollar, up to $200,000. All the money raised will help us increase our track record of success and fund our fight to secure economic justice for low-income families throughout our country. Please make a tax-deductible gift to help NCLEJ fight for those in need by going to and clicking on General Support or one of the designated funds. NCLEJ receives no government support and relies on help from generous individual donors. This year, you can help us twice by joining in this unprecedented match for NCLEJ. Thank you for your support, and please accept my best wishes for the holiday season. 
