NCLEJ Helps Secure Dental Care for 60,000 New Hampshire Children

We were instrumental in helping to win a settlement securing dental services for 60,000 low-income children in New Hampshire. A federal court class action challenged the state’s egregious failure to provide dental care to children, as required by federal Medicaid law. When settlement negotiations collapsed and a trial date loomed, local counsel enlisted the Center to help prepare the case for trial. Working under tight deadlines, we provided on-the-ground staff, wrote legal briefs, and secured expert witnesses that helped convince the state to settle. We worked with New Hampshire Legal Assistance. (Hawkins v. Commissioner)


Thanks for your great work! You provided critical, time-urgent assistance that was essential to our successful lawsuit compelling New Hampshire to abide by the federal Medicaid law – so that more than 60,000 low-income children in our state can receive dental care.

– Ken Barnes, Litigation Director, New Hampshire Legal Assistance