Marc Cohan Resumes as Director of Litigation at NCLEJ

Dear Friends of NCLEJ:

Almost three years ago I agreed to take on the responsibility of Executive Director to give the Board time to search for and bring on a new Executive Director to help lead NCLEJ. The Board hired Dennis Parker. They have made a wonderful choice and you can learn more about him here. I hope you will fully support him and NCLEJ moving forward.

I am pleased to let you all know that, with this hire, I will return to being the Director of Litigation for the NCLEJ. This opportunity permits me to return full-time to my passion of advocacy. I could not be more pleased. I am fortunate to be able to do that advocacy in partnership with a superb group of lawyers and support staff here at NCLEJ. This office is doing very creative cutting edge advocacy at the intersection of economic justice and civil rights. We recently:

Please read about our important work on our webpage and see our video here.

It is particularly gratifying that NCLEJ is able to make a difference by partnering with and supporting dynamic grass-roots activists who not only effectively push back against the policies of our current administration, but who champion the expansion of rights and opportunities for low-income individuals and communities throughout this country. As Director of Litigation, I am also gifted with the opportunity to work with some of the nation’s leading public interest lawyers and to see our work supported by great pro bono lawyering.

I am pleased that during my tenure as Executive Director, NCLEJ added very talented lawyers, brought exciting ground-breaking litigation, and expanded our fund raising. We are making a difference on behalf of low-income families, fighting for low-wage workers, challenging government excess and arbitrary conduct, and enforcing civil rights laws. I was fortunate to have been left a strong foundation by our legacy Executive Director Henry Freedman and unwavering support from a truly dedicated and powerful Board of Directors.

And, to each of you who supported us over these last three years, you have my profound appreciation. Yet, there is still so much more work for NCLEJ to do and I truly hope you will continue that wonderful support moving forward!


Marc Cohan
Director of Litigation