Groups Urge NYS Office of Court Administration to Create Better Pathways for Disabled People to Request Courtroom Accommodations 

In August 2023, the New York State United Court System Office of Court Administration announced their request for public comment regarding the adoption of a new rule that aims to provide disabled litigants and attorneys the ability to request certain types of reasonable accommodations in judicial proceedings.  

Although the intentions behind the proposed rule are good, and we commend the OCA for seeking to create a process for which non-administrative accommodations may be requested, we believe the rule itself risks perpetuating disability discrimination rather than eliminating it.  

We believe that were the Court to adopt their proposed rule as is, they would fail to ensure equitable access and non-discrimination under the ADA, would cause confusion and deterrence through their accommodation request process, and create confidentiality concerns among requesters.  

Here are some shortcomings of the proposed OCA rule: 

We urge the OCA to convene with disability rights organizations to create a more accessible pathway for disabled people requesting accommodations in courtroom proceedings.  

We thank Johns Hopkins University Disability Health Research Center, National Pain Advocacy Center, and Tzedek DC for signing on to our comments. 

Read our full letter to the OCA here.