Category: Press Releases

Barreras Lingüísticas Impiden A Trabajadores Obtener El Seguro De Desempleo Durante La Pandemia

Los desastrosos errores de Nueva York que le costaron el acceso a beneficios de desempleo durante la pandemia a trabajadores de habla hispana Contacto: Zavé Martohardjono | El National Law Center for Economic Justice organizará una conferencia…

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Extreme Language Barriers Prevent Workers from Getting Unemployment Insurance in the Pandemic 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Zavé Martohardjono |  Today the National Center for Law and Economic Justice (NCLEJ) released “Designed to Exclude: New York’s Failure to Provide Compensation and Language Access to Unemployed Workers”. This report documents the…

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Federal Court Preliminarily Approves Settlement to Improve Access to Public Benefits for People with Disabilities in Suffolk County

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact for comments: Jordan Berger, NCLEJ Skadden Fellow,, 646-680-8906Saima Akhtar, Senior Attorney,, 646-558-6152Linda Hassberg, Senior Attorney, Empire Justice Center,, 631-533-5272 A federal district court judge in the Eastern District of New York…

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Missouri Case Moves Forward to Secure Access to SNAP Food Benefits

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Zavé Martohardjono |  For years, Missourians have faced problems and been wrongfully rejected when applying for SNAP benefits because of difficulties navigating the state’s Department of Social Services’ application process. Missourians—especially people with…

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National Center for Law and Economic Justice, ACLU of Oklahoma, Cornell First Amendment Clinic, and Partners File Multiple Lawsuits to Protect the Rights of Protesters 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact: Zavé Martohardjono |  Press conference will take place June 24, 2022 at 12:00 PM Central via Zoom. OKLAHOMA CITY – Today, a group of local advocates and organizers filed multiple challenges to Oklahoma…

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Working People Failed by Democratic Leadership of NYS Senate

New York Workers, Advocates, Faith Leaders & Unions Urge NYS to Stop Wage Theft  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:Sarah Ahn, Flushing Workers Center | ahn.s81@gmail.comJoAnn Lum, National Mobilization Against SweatShops | joannlum8@gmail.comCarmela Huang, National Center for Law and Economic…

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Brooklyn Groups and Hundreds of Environmental Organizations Demand Halt of Gas Flow in Brooklyn Pipeline on Grounds of Discrimination

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Zavé Martohardjono | As New York State decides on permits, Brooklyn community groups and lawyers on their behalf coordinated several demands to stop the flow of gas through National Grid’s North Brooklyn Pipeline…

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New Data Reveals Thousands of New Yorkers At Risk of Water Shutoffs

New data released today reveals that thousands of New York households risk having their water turned off. With our partner Western New York Law Center, we found that thousands of New Yorkers are struggling to pay their water bills,…

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Good news from Missouri: Plaintiffs have started receiving SNAP benefits

Plaintiffs in our lawsuit against the Missouri Department of Social Services have received interviews and started receiving benefits after months of being unable to get through to the State Agency’s failing call center— a barrier that has caused thousands of eligible households to be…

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Federal Lawsuit Filings Reveal Kentucky’s Predatory and Unconstitutional Medical Debt Collection Scheme 

KENTUCKY— The National Center for Law and Economic Justice (NCLEJ), Kentucky Equal Justice Center (KEJC), and Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP took a major step forward in the ongoing federal class action litigation against the University of Kentucky…

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