Category: Civil Rights Highlights

Health Reform Implementation: NCLEJ Comments to HHS on State Health Exchanges

NCLEJ’s comments address issues such as assuring that the exchanges and their services are accessible to individuals with low literacy, individuals with disabilities, limited English speakers, and lawfully present immigrants in mixed status families.  NCLEJ also recommends that…

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Lawsuit Causes FEMA to Disgorge Documents on Accessible Temporary Housing

In January 2010, after a long delay, FEMA released 700 pages of materials to NCLEJ which NCLEJ had requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in March 2009. FEMA only released the material after NCLEJ, represented by…

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NCLEJ Achieves Settlement Requiring Translation of California Food Stamp Forms

NCLEJ and its colleagues have achieved a settlement in a California state court case challenging the state Food Stamp agency’s failure to comply with Food Stamp provisions requiring translation of Food Stamp forms and an estimate of the low-income…

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NCLEJ and Colleagues Protect Women from Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in New York

In a precedent setting case, a federal appeals court ruled in 2004 that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects women in New York City from sexual harassment and discrimination when they are working for welfare grants….

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NCLEJ and Colleagues Promoted Access to Benefits for Families with Limited English Proficiency

Enforcing civil rights laws that require translation and interpretation is critical toward ensuring the health and well-being of the growing number of our nation’s non-English speaking population. In 2002 we played a pivotal role in getting the Arizona…

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NCLEJ and Colleagues Saved Medicaid for Legal Immigrants in Colorado

We won emergency court orders in 2003 blocking a Colorado law that would have ended Medicaid for more than 3,500 legal immigrants. If we and our colleagues had not stepped in, low-income immigrants – many of them elderly…

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