Category: Civil Rights Highlights

Maybe the feds can fix Buffalo police

Geoff Kelly and InvestigativePost continue to cover the problem of discriminatory policing in Buffalo. Read the full article. The U.S. Justice Department has investigated more than 80 problem-plagued police departments and correctional facilities over the past 25 years…

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Drivers with Suspended Licenses in Oregon Need Debt Relief

By Claudia Wilner, Director of Litigation and Advocacy 11 million people across the U.S. are prohibited from driving because they can’t afford to pay fines and fees. Most of those drivers are people of color. In Oregon, Black…

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The Editorial Board: Reports of racist language by Buffalo police are disgusting and disturbing

The Buffalo News editorial board condemned the widespread use racial epithets within the BPD and leadership’s failure to investigate or train officers on this bias. Read the article here. Reports that racist language has been routinely used –…

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Disturbing police testimony demands action

Jim Heaney of Investigative Post reports on toxic culture permeating the Buffalo Police Department described, under oath, by police themselves in NCLEJ litigation depositions. Read full article. Racist talk. A lack of training, supervision and accountability. Byron Brown…

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Buffalo police regularly use racial slur for Black people, officials testify

Charlie Specht of The Buffalo News reported on Buffalo police’s regularly use racial slurs when referring to Black members of the public revealed in NCLEJ’s litigation. Read the full article. Buffalo police regularly use racial slurs when referring…

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Testimony Shows Officers Receive No Training on Racial Bias or Profiling

Panorama Hispano News covered the reveal of widespread use of racist language and a complete lack of training on racial bias or profiling in NCLEJ’s litigation against the Buffalo Police Department challenging the constitutionality of checkpoints and traffic enforcement. Read…

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Testimony: Buffalo cops use of N word not uncommon

Geoff Kelly of the Investigative Post reported on depositions of five officers in NCLEJ’s checkpoints lawsuit which reveal use of degrading language and little supervision or discipline in Strike Force and Housing units. Read full article here. A…

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Failure to Discipline Rampant Use of N-Word by Buffalo Police Officers, Lack of Oversight Chronic

Testimony Shows Officers Receive No Training on Racial Bias or Profiling Contact:Zavé Martohardjono, National Center For Law and Economic Justice, (646) 853-2728, Jen Nessel, Center for Constitutional Rights, (212) 614-6449, Buffalo, NY – Litigation against the Buffalo…

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NCLEJ Demands Federal Government Investigate NYSDOL and DOH for Discriminating Against Home Care Workers

Contact: Carmela Huang, National Center for Law and Economic Justice | New York, NY — Today the National Center for Law and Economic Justice has filed a complaint in partnership with National Mobilization Against Sweatshops, Chinese Staff…

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